Friday, February 23, 2024

Blog Post #10

 Mainstream Media

Examples of Mainstream Media Today
Mainstream media, according to Cambridge Dictionary, are "forms of the media, especially traditional forms such as newspapers, television, and radio rather than the internet, that influence large numbers of people and are likely to represent generally accepted beliefs and opinions." Mainstream media has historically been associated with traditional platforms, such as television, radio, and print, but in recent years, online mediums such as websites, social media, and streaming services have also been deemed as forms of mainstream media.

Mainstream Media Worries
I wasn't greatly informed or aware of mainstream media, and its positives and negatives, until the EOTO presentation given on this topic. Mainstream media is subject to criticism, just as any other source of communication and information. Much of mainstream media, however, can and will hold bias. Even with this being a known fact, many citizens continue to go straight to different mainstream media sources for information on specific news, over independent news sources.

Online News Sources
A majority of Americans, as seen in a Pew Research Center article, agree that major cable TV sources and large newspapers, such as ABC News, CNN, New York Times, MSNBC, and Fox News, are a part of mainstream media. Furthermore, it is explained in the article that "Americans who rely on an outlet for news are more likely to see it as part of the mainstream news media." This is understandable, as many of these news outlets are big and influential enough to the point that they do reach a wide audience of consumers. To add on to this idea, many of the news sites that are greatly known echo already-popular beliefs, as well. Contrastingly, it is the smaller, independent news sources (not labeled as mainstream media) that go against the grain, and elaborate on their differing opinions. Utilizing these smaller, lesser-known sources is important, so that different sides and viewpoints are heard and comprehended - whether or not they are agreed with.

Negative Effect of Overconsumption of Mainstream Media
Looking at using mainstream media as an informant from a positive stance, these sources are able to quickly inform the public, promote awareness, and facilitate conversation and debate. While all of these beneficial reasons are fair, I go back to the negatives of mainstream media. In my opinion, the negatives outweigh the positives by a large amount. Before the EOTO presentation was given about mainstream media, I didn't truly understand nor conceive how many downsides there are from the sole use of mainstream media. A few of the biggest and most impactful flaws of mainstream media include bias, corporate influence, polarization, misinformation and fake news, lack of representation, and echo chambers.

Graphic of Examples of Mainstream Media Today
Mainstream media plays a central role in society; shaping public discourse, informing individuals about different happenings all over the world, holding institutions and public figures accountable, etc.. What needs to be kept in mind with mainstream media, however, is that there are biases that are very prevalent throughout every source. This is why it is so important to use multiple different sources to learn about news events and information; to ensure that the facts are being heard and consumed, instead of solely opinions.

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