Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Final Blog Post

Our Relationship with Technology, and Technology's Relationship with Us

Everyday Technology
When the word "technology" is said, what comes to the minds of many people are high-tech things such as mechanical robots, the internet, and digital softwares. In reality, technology, as explained by Oxford Languages, is "the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry." This means that technology is anything that humans have created and use, in order to work and continue to expand their knowledge.

Types of Technology
I use technology throughout my life, day-to-day; from making coffee in the morning, to completing my school work on my computer, to talking to my family on the phone. In the age of technology that we live in today, there is a big concern about the amount that individuals (especially the younger generation) utilize online technologies, such as iPhones. Thankfully, I can say that I have a decent relationship with technology. For example, in my free time I'd rather be spending time outside or reading, instead of staring at a screen. I have my parents to thank for this: they limited the amount of time that I was allowed to use electronic devices when I was younger, and they had explained to me at a young age the importance of not leaning on technology for entertainment or communication.

Graphic Representing Technology and Humans Working Together
With all of this being said, the endless use of technology is inevitable - it has been woven into almost every single aspect of human life. There have been so many benefits that have come from the improvement of technology, and there will continue to be positive outcomes. The continuous growth of technology has allowed for information to be created and spread with more ease, at a quicker rate. Anyone can create an account on a social media platform, such as Instagram or Twitter, or create their own blog/website, such as Blogger, and present their ideas, opinions, and thoughts to a very wide, diverse audience. This has not only kept people informed on different events around the world, but it has also allowed for people's creativity to flourish. Furthermore, so many different work industries have grown by a landslide from the incorporation of different mechanical technologies and Artificial Intelligence.

Graphic Representing Humans Relying on Technology to Communicate
Along with all of these perks that come with the development of technology, however, also comes downfalls. Technology reaches deeper into the lives of individuals than most realize. For example, online footprints are clouds that hang over the heads of users of the internet and different social media apps. The data trail that users leave behind may seem insignificant to them, though to big technology companies, such as Apple and Facebook, the data is gold, and something to take advantage of.

Child Addicted to Technology
Shifting focus, individuals' ability to effectively and adequately communicate with others in-person has greatly diminished. The more that the younger generations are sucked into their TV shows and games on their iPads, the less that they are practicing the necessary skills, and fostering the building blocks, for efficient and thorough communication. 

Technology Being Used More Than Humans in a Factory
Furthermore, not only is technology stripping away people's ability to connect in person, but it is taking away job positions, as well. With Artificial Intelligence's continuous learning ability and growth, jobs are being given to technological mechanisms over humans. This is mainly seen in positions offered in factories and HR departments. With Artificial Intelligence completing the labor, companies no longer need to pay employees for their time and work, and more production gets completed in a shorter amount of time.

Graphic Representing Humans' Dependence on Technology Everywhere
Technology will forever be growing, changing, and developing. While it is inevitable that the way in which we live, work, and interact will continue to be redefined by technology, my hope is that technology will be used responsibly and with good intentions, as the power and ability that it holds is great. Ideally, the more that people understand technology, the more that it can be used to better society. Technology, especially in the worlds of health care and agriculture, is allowing for people to do amazing things that individuals 100 years ago only dreamed of. With all of the positives and negatives that can come from the advancement of technology, it's crucial for society to approach these types of innovations with careful consideration and ethical principles in mind, in order to ensure that the benefits are maximized, while the harm is minimized.

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